Friday, October 01, 2004

Stilgo still going

The excellent advice offered on this page has now started to entice the rich and famous to ask for help. He has even submitted a picture:

TV's Richard Stilgo has asked: "Hi, Richard Stilgo (pictured left in photo)here... You may remember me from BBC 1 in the 1980s. I would like some advice on how to get back into Television. I also would like some advice for a friend who is thinking about growing a beard - a little like the one im sporting in the photograph - should he be growing one, or should he be clean shaven. I dont know what these young lasses these days - life used to be so simpler back in my youth - cord skirts and frilly tops. None of this Yellow card malarky that happens on down "The Well" Anyhow, must go use my remington fuzzaway (tm) - tar tar. PS - do you think my pal looks a twat?"

Well, Richard, in order to get back on television I would recommend the reality TV route. I wouldn't aim as high as Celebrity Big Brother or I'm a Celebrity, but maybe you would fit in well on Channel 5's Cosmetic Surgery Live. As for your friend's beard, I would suggest that is he has a round and chubby face then a goatee beard can hide the double chins and be quite slimming. Otherwise I would not bother - the ladies of today prefer a clean shaven chap. PS Yes he does. Hope that helps, Richard.