I have had a request for advice from a troubled boyfriend. He writes: "I think I might be losing my girlfriend to a computer game. We used to spend every day gazing into each other's eyes gently stroking each other's cheeks with our fingertips. However, she discovered a computer game. At first she kept her habit under control, and she was satisfied with her hi-scores. Then they started publishing hi-scores to the Internet, and my girlfriend won't rest until she is number one in the world. She's not eating or sleeping, and she just ignores me."
I would recommend that you buy your girlfriend fancy jewels and gifts to keep her interested. You should be proud of her obsession and help out by doing all the cooking and cleaning. She will be number one in the world one day, and if you can find and possibly seriously injure Goldenboy then she will certainly pay you more attention. Hope that helps, Troubledboyfriend!