Humbert has asked: "I don't know whether you can help me. I can't seem to stop myself from looking at girls far too young for me. When I'm in the pub, or in the street, me eyes are drawn to them, and sometimes I think it must be very obvious. My friends and colleagues have noticed and make derogatory comments. Should I just give into temptation and get a job at Clare's Accessories, or can you suggest ways to kick this habit?"
It is a fact of life that only young girls are attractive. Once they reach their mid twenties they are well past it, and may as well give up by the time they get to 28. Ignore your so called friends' comments - they are merely jealous. If getting a job in Clare's Accessories would make you happy, then go for it - just make sure you send Adviceforall free earrings for the excellent wisdom dispensed. Hope that helps, Humbert.