Broccolli Florette has asked: "I used to be really happy spending my evenings listening to radio 4, keeping up with current affairs, reading novels or going out with my friends and having intellectual discussions with them over a few drinks - I didn't have a TV, a computer or a DVD player. Recently I bowed to convention (and peer pressure) and acquired these electrical items. Since then I have been unable to get anything done as I am too busy watching films and surfing the net. The dishes are piling up in the sink, important works of modern literature are collecting dust unread on my bedside table, I haven't had time to even open the newspaper and I haven't left the flat in days."
Now, Broccolli, be honest, did you ever read novels or have intellectual discussions, or did you drink yourself senseless and listen to Dave Pearce on Radio 1? Your old life sounded rubbish and quite frankly dull, so it is a good thing you gave into peer pressure before it was too late. This way you can be normal, and get to watch Smokey and the Bandit 3: Smokey is the Bandit in the comfort of your own home. Hope that helps, Broccolli.